Mary is 38 years old; she and her family migrated to the UK when she was 7. She has depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder, due to previously being in an abusive relationship.
Mary's mental health difficulties mean that she intermittently experiences mood swings and can become aggressive at times. Subsequently, Mary's family broke down, and she was told to leave home. Mary suddenly became street homeless for the first time. After a few days of sleeping on buses and outside a tube station, Mary was approached by an outreach team. They found her a hostel. However, the hostel was really unclean. Mary felt unsafe due to regularly being propositioned by the other men. Mary returned to rough sleeping as she felt unsafe in the hostel.
Mary was told about the Marylebone Project by an outreach worker, and she booked an appointment with our Advice worker. She was thrilled to find a woman-only service and immediately felt safe in this environment. Mary had previously stayed in a mixed Hostel and expressed feeling unsafe, particularly at night. Mary explained the abhorrent conditions that she was living in.
Mary was encouraged to get involved in the courses and activities at The Sanctuary. She initially shielded away from any educational activities as she had no qualifications or CV. However, after 2 months of attending The Sanctuary, Mary enrolled in a bespoke Business Skills course run by Westminster Business School. Our Advice worker signposted Mary into stable accommodation, and she is being supported to find paid employment. Mary was reluctant to speak about her mental health difficulties with staff and has rejected any support with this. However, she reports feeling happier and more resilient because she has taken the time to invest in herself through the meaningful activity Programme.
Mary says - "I don't know what I would have done without the Marylebone Project. I would have been homeless, living on the streets, if they didn't help me. The Sanctuary is nice and clean, so I love to come here to shower and do my laundry. Although I didn't expect to be allowed to better myself, I am now doing a Business Skills course, and I will run my own business one day."