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Donations play a crucial role in addressing period poverty and can have a profound impact on the lives of individuals affected by this issue.
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Sanitation for Sisters is fundraising under the auspices of the Marylebone Project, a charity registered with the charity commission, registration number 226226/67. The Marylebone Project is a member of the Fundraising Regulator and complies with the code of practice. https://www.fundraisingregulator.org.uk/code/all-fundraising
£6534 •
Amount Raised :
Material Donations Received : 2650
Total Number of Sanitary Products Raised : 39520
Barbara Summers - £100 Stefan Hibbett - £50 Callie Pierce - £35 Florencia Abhishek - £250 Venus Raman - £80
Michael Hayes - £20 Michelle Bray - £400 Lily Kalbassi - £150 Michaela Rush - £20 Art Fundraising - £1101
Rachel Page - £1.50 Spenser Lee - £100 Ellie Donnelly - £50 Eva O’Brien - £75 Alexander Brownsmith - £50
Thomas Lesage - £50 Anonymous - £200 Damon Rowe - £1 Krish Susanu - £100
Tara Falk - £350 Leo Arbib - £2 Daniel Larson - £1 Anonymous - £20
Archie Lowery - £6 Helen Fussell - £500 Joel Harper - £1 Tamara Goldstein - £50
Brian Walden - £20 Maisy Landry - £300 Marissa Ray - £100 Syeda Nolan - £30
Poppy Martin -£40 Caroline Steele - £10 Tillie Villanueva - £10 Charles Broadway - £150
Kari Sanchez - £130 Anonymous - £0.50 Aliya Nicholson - £35 Judy Rojas - £12
James Kabassi - £1000 Danielle Hampton - £25 Milton Craig - £200 Ayla Hutchinson - £50
Dominic Mitchell - £5 Zara Blake - £40 Alanna Blair - £50 Erica Campayne - £10
Glen Obermaier - £100 Leia Goodwin - £200 Max Piet - £5 Anonymous - £100
Jaspreet Ahuja - £50 Idris Trevino - £50 Axel Wright - £8 Meenakshi Raman - £50
Any ideas on how we can improve our efforts to tackle period poverty would be greatly appreciated. Feedback put into the boxes will be read and replied to within 24 hours.